Business Gift Samsung
Some time ago, we were asked by DADvertising to produce 1050 personalised bottles of olive oil for top brand Samsung. Honoured as we always are to work with such renowned companies, we were only too happy to accept. Admittedly, there were a few factors that made this a special challenge. To illustrate how we can combine speed and quality, we proudly share the success story.

Going all out for class customers
Factor 1: popularity of olive oil booms
Olive oil boomed exceptionally during the past year-end period. It was precisely that product that carried Samsung's preference away. Understandably so. For one thing, it is a non-alcoholic gift, which consequently makes every member of staff happy. Everyone has a kitchen in which Mediterranean gold comes in handy. Secondly, it is scientifically proven that olive oil is healthy. As a third asset, our Tuscan olive farmer won the prestigious Agriqualità award, which means that his colleagues themselves believe that the olive oil may represent their region as a regional speciality.
Because of this great popularity, our olive farmer had to plant several olive trees, so to speak. Knowing that other customers would no longer be able to get their hands on olive oil before the end of the end-of-year period was a tough decision, but because we wanted to make a good impression, we sacrificed our stock to Samsung.

Factor 2: different name on each bottle
Some bottles of olive oil had to bear the name of the worker for whom it was intended. Others remained nameless. The Belgian and Dutch colleagues had a slightly different design, so we had to differentiate that too during production. Our system allows such hyper-personalisation perfectly, but the list of unique texts has to be exact. Hence, our first challenge was to carefully check the supplied list so that everything would fall into place. A detail-oriented but necessary job.
Factor 3: tight deadline
Four days after the order, Samsung wanted to be able to thank its 1050 staff for their efforts. That's a very tight deadline even for us. Moreover, we received the order in the middle of our always hectic end-of-year period. Thanks to an optimal spread of all other orders and the help of our regular team of job students, our production manager got it done flawlessly.
There was one more secret weapon that enabled us to crush the deadline: our brand new fully automatic labelling line. Until recently, we used to label large orders of identical bottles with a semi-automatic labelling machine. That involved quite a lot of manual work. The fully automatic labelling line speeds up the pace significantly and this order was the perfect test. It passed that one brilliantly: on day three, the pallet was in the truck.
Factor 4: breakdown on the road
There is one aspect of the makeyour.com experience that we can never control and that is transport. An unexpected problem is just inevitable, even with the best driver behind the wheel. Unfortunately, some bottles got very slightly damaged en route because a pallet fell over. Fortunately, the staff members in question were still on cloud nine, but for us it then gnawed at the fact that some bottles were no longer our usual top quality.
Based on the damage traces, we investigated what the cause was and whether we could eliminate it. This turned out to be possible by packing the olive oil even more tightly in future, such that there would be even less friction and room to move. This again reduced the risk on future orders and we continue to strive to minimise the risk of breakdowns en route.
All's well that ends well
In the end, we received only positive feedback. The durable label quality, the sleek look of the bottles, how nice it is to receive a bottle with your own name...all blissful compliments that motivate us even more to keep pulling out all the stops for our customers.
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