Discover the Ideal "Will you be my Godmother?" Gift

Choosing a godmother for your child is a deeply personal and emotional decision. It is a question you are asking someone you trust and love to play an important role in your child's life. Make this special moment even more memorable with a premium, personalised gift from our webshop.

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With more than 100,000 satisfied customers, we are known for unique gifts for unique gift moments

Only products of the highest quality
Razor-sharp printed gifts
Reviews: 4,7/5
Choose between more than 50 designs

Only products of the highest quality

Exclusive spirits recipes
Beers made in collaboration with brewery Van Steenberge
Natural Soy wax-based scented candles
High-class wines directly from small-scale winemakers
Paraben-free bath products
Excellent print quality
Reviews: 4,7/5

We guarantee quality and only offer products we fully support ourselves. Thus, our drinks and other products are made with love in collaboration with small-scale artisanal partners. Each product passes through extensive quality testing. For us, the content is at least as important as the looks of your gift. So you can be sure that your gift is of high quality.

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Make your personalised gift extra fun

Hide a message behind a scratch layer
Add a QR code with a video or photo message
Artificial intelligence: transform your photos

How to originally ask the godmother with a personalised gift

Will you be my godmother seems to come out of your child's own mouth. That in itself is special, but it can be even more original than simply asking a godmother, giving a gift and done. On a bottle of favourite drink or an organic scented candle, all your godmother proposals get extra exclusivity. Plus: it combines two things the godmother is hugely fond of: godchild and her favourite drink. Add a third aspect with the honour that she of all people gets the question and your perfect godmother proposal gift has been chosen! Or is there an even more original idea for godmother proposal Gifts? Yes there is! By the way, consider these suggestions if you are going to ask a godfather as well.

A hidden question with our scratch layer

You can have a scratch coat applied to the gift and hide the 'will you be my godfather or godmother' underneath. Before revealing the true nature of the gift, you can ask the godmother to bring out her first penny in advance.

The big question behind a QR code

Even more mystery creates a QR code, behind which you can hide a video message or a web page. A combination of both completes the joy of discovery: ask godmother, gift, scratch, scan, sound off together!

God child in the picture: photo of the ultrasound

Some couples put a photo of the ultrasound on the Godmother Proposal Gift. In that case, the caption is: will you be my godmother instead of will you be my godmother of my child. More witty, however, is to put a playful spin on it. Wanted: godmother for this miracle - Hello first name, it's me, your god child - Sssst, this is where your god child matures....

"Will you be my Godmother?" Gift for a sister

Asking your sister to be your child's godmother is an emotional moment that strengthens the bond between you, your sister and your child. If your sister loves a touch of luxury, consider giving her one of our organic scented candles or a set of luxury hand soap and bath salts. These can be personalised to convey a unique message. If she is a foodie, consider our premium olive oil and balsamic, or one of our special spice mixes. Choose a gift that your sister will cherish and that will always remind her of this special request.

"Will you be my Godmother?" Gift for a best friend

If you plan to ask a close friend to be your child's godmother, consider a gift that reflects her personal interests and tastes. If she is a lover of spirits, a personalised bottle of her favourite gin, whisky, or spiced rum would be a perfect gift. If she is more into relaxation, a set containing an organic scented candle and luxury hand soap could be a fitting gift. Most importantly, choose a gift that your girlfriend will appreciate and that will remind her of this special occasion.

"Will you be my Godmother?" Gift for grandmother

Asking your child's grandmother to be the godmother is a wonderful gesture. It is a way of connecting the generations and acknowledging grandmother's wisdom and love. A fitting gift could be a bottle of our premium wine, personalised with a special message. Or perhaps one of our organic scented candles or luxury hand soap, which will remind her of this special moment every time she uses it.

Where does the tradition of asking for a Godmother come from?

The tradition of choosing a godmother has historical and cultural roots in many societies around the world. In many cases, it is linked to religious practices. Today, the role of the godmother has expanded and can vary depending on the cultural and personal beliefs of the parents. Choosing a godmother is a symbolic way of inviting another adult to play a special role in your child's life. Giving a personalised gift is part of this modern tradition, offering a tangible symbol of the deep bond created between the godmother and the child.

The Godmother's Role in the Child's Life

The godmother plays a crucial role in a child's life, both as a trusted adult and a guide. A personalised gift is an excellent way to show your appreciation and love for the woman you ask to take on this special role.

Originally, the Catholic faith, assigns the godmother three roles:

  • being a witness at the child's baptism and solemn communion
  • having a hand in the child's Christian education
  • be godparent if the child should lose the biological parents

That first task is still very relevant. At least, if the child is baptised. If not, it will stick to attending the New Year's letter reading. Which will traditionally say: godmother: gift please!

For the second assignment, you don't necessarily have to ask someone as godmother who passes on Christian morality. It may as well be someone who has cultural, sporting, social or other skills that you want your child to impart. Immediately something to mention on the Godmother Proposal Gift.

Parenting when something terrible happens is not legally required. That is decided either by the parents themselves if they have a will, or by the court. Will you be my godmother, in modern times, is mostly equivalent to: will you assist my parents by taking me on activity from time to time or lending a financial hand. And may I ask my godmother to buy gifts for me.

Why give a Godmother Proposal Gift?

A Godmother Proposal gift is a nice gesture that highlights the emotional significance of this question. It shows that you value the role the godmother will play in your child's life. Moreover, a carefully chosen, personalised gift helps mark and celebrate this important moment in your lives.

What makes a Godmother Proposal gift special?

A godmother proposal gift is special because it is not only a gift, but also an invitation and a question. It is a way of saying, "I trust you, I value you, and I want you to play an important role in my child's life." A personalised gift adds an extra layer of meaning and sentimentality to this question.

"Will you be my Godmother?" Gift for a wine lover

For the future godmother who loves wine, a personalised bottle of our premium wine could be a perfect gift. You can personalise the bottle's label with her name, a special date, or a personal message, making the gift extra special.

"Will you be my Godmother?" Gift for the beer lover

If the future godmother is a beer lover, consider our personalised beer package. It includes a selection of premium beers such as blonde, double and triple, all of which can be personalised for an extra special touch. This is a gift she is sure to appreciate and cherish.

"Will you be my Godmother?" Gift for the lover of non-alcoholic drinks

If the future godmother is a lover of non-alcoholic drinks, consider our ginger concentrate or our non-alcoholic alternative to gin or rum. Each of these can be personalised to create a unique gift. For example, you can personalise the bottle's label with her name, a special date, or a personal message. This not only makes for a unique gift, but also a lasting memory of this special day.

How to ask "Will you be my Godmother?"

The moment when you ask someone to be your child's godmother is one of deep emotional significance. It can help to mark this moment with a thoughtful and personalised gift that will remind her of the special bond she and your child will share.

Choosing the Perfect Godmother Proposal Gift

Choosing the right godmother proposal gift is an important step. It should be something that the future godmother will cherish and that will remind her of the special role she will play in your child's life.

Create a lasting memory with a "Will you be my Godmother?" Gift

A godmother proposal gift is not just a gift, but a lasting memory of a special moment. A personalised gift from our range can help mark this important moment in time.

The Importance of the "Will you be my Godmother?" Moment

Asking someone to be your child's godmother is a sign of deep trust and love. It is an important milestone that deserves to be celebrated with a special, personalised gift.

Ask with craftsmanship

Originality and the emotion that comes with asking for a godmother aside, the personalised gift is godmother-worthy. All drinks are top shelf drinks in their type. Our distillers brewers and vintners have developed unique recipes based on their craftsmanship. The same goes for the 100% organic scented candles, which the candle maker puts together manually. So your 'will you be my godmother' really does adorn a quality product.