Our 6 Best Selling Business Gifts
A bottle of spirits is a perfect corporate gift. As an end-of-year gift for your staff, to toast a successful collaboration with a sponsor or business partner or as a thank-you gift for volunteers. Companies that want to make such a drinkable thank-you even more sincere personalise it according to all kinds of concepts. For inspiration, we compiled a top 6 of our best-selling business gifts for you. So you know what other companies score with.

6. A duo box of wine
Wine is indispensable on a festive dinner table and therefore a practical promotional gift. Based on sales figures, it is clear that our wine selection far exceeds mediocrity in quality. For this, our self-selected wineries sourced grapes from Italy, France and Spain. Companies are so impressed by it that they double their business associates. All the more so because the duobox concept is sharper on price and looks beautiful. Both white, red, rosé and combinations are possible.
5. Organic scented candle
Yes, you may definitely find a scented candle surprisingly present in the top six. Although, candlelight still remains a traditional mood creator during the dark end-of-year period. In that respect, it does fit in as a corporate gift for Christmas. Knowing that candles spread a blissful aroma while burning, you can be sure of a happy face with all those who turn up their noses at a smelly room.
Moreover, the wax of our scented candles is made with 100% organic ingredients. So the cosy scent they fill the environment with is pure nature. That, in turn, is good for your company's eco-friendly image. That is why many business owners set their staff members and/or business relations on fire with their own candle.
4. Proud triobox of Belgian beer
Belgium is a beer country and many (international) companies take advantage of this. Especially if you can come up with a unique recipe from local brewery Van Steenberge, you will have a business gift that profiles your company as a proud representative of the typical Belgian beer culture.
You can even incorporate the Belgian flag in the trio box: black for the dark beer, yellow for the blonde and red for the amber-coloured triple. Immediately a nice tip for the label design. No matter how nicely you tweak the look to your liking, the best is on the inside. The flavour makes even the pickiest beer snobs salivate. Or is it foaming at the mouth?
3. Love olive oil
New to our customisable range and already in the top three! Our Tuscan supplier had to plant a few olive trees to keep up with demand. That's how delicious it is, this olive oil. By the way, be sure to tell your business contacts that this secret salad ingredient received the prestigious Agriqualità award.
Tuscan olive farmers only receive this award if they produce their regional products with authentic Mediterranean finesse. Olive oil that literally adds love to a dish, if that is not a loving business gift!
2. Business gift with minimix gin-tonic
Companies with a large network or extensive staff invariably opt for mini bottles. A cute, but above all very tasty promotional gift. Taste is subjective, of course. That is precisely why a small sample is so interesting. In the unlikely event that the mini-spirit is disappointing, at least the relation in question is not stuck with a full bottle.
Typically, we are told that the strong drinks scored high. Certainly the gins are true toppers. Whoever says gin often says tonic in the same breath. Only for laypeople, it is difficult to estimate how much tonic goes with the gin for that perfectly balanced taste sensation. This is precisely why this customisable box set is a bestseller. It contains the perfect dose for two glasses of gin tonic. That makes mixing easier!
1. King's duobox gin-tonic
With both place two and one, gin-tonic is still hip & happening. As a corporate gift, this duo box is the ultimate favourite. Both our three gins to choose from and the matching Fever Tree Mediterranean tonic are absolute tops in their category. With such a royal pairing, your company will obviously make a generous impression.
The latter is one of the seven reasons why end-of-year gifts are a strong networking weapon. By the way, did we just say three gins? We should correct that. Companies that want to keep their staff's brain cells cool can also put a very high quality non-alcoholic gin in their duo box.
Still prefer a different personalised business gift?
Of course, those six top sellers were just a guide. On this page, you will find many other ready-made business gifts, the concept of which you can mould entirely to your company's style:
- An apéro set with two bottles of summery citrus gin and matching tonic.
- A bottle in assorted gift packaging.
- Labels with creative slogans or quotes for when the inspiration is just too far away.
If the winner is not among them, that's a challenge with which you always enthuse our contact person. Feel free to contact him for a tailor-made proposal.
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